Porcelain tooth veneers with metal substructure have been used successfully to date. However, in the last 10 years, aesthetic criteria have come to the forefront and unfortunately, this & nbsp; In addition, the latest computer technology is highly sensitive when it is incorporated into the business, and is extremely powerful in many respects, and aesthetically complicated in many respects, and aesthetically complicated on the other hand.

Technologies and the system does not forgive the slightest mistake. Although many studies and companies say that they are used successfully, do all physicians apply zirconium dental coating today successfully ?

Why do we need “Zirconium Crown”?

Systems sold on one side for 20,000-25,000 Euro , on the other hand systems sold on hundreds of thousands of euros, which one of these systems is more successful?

Of course, the costs are reflected in the physician there is a large price difference between.
So the price of each zirconium tooth coating is the same? What are the differences between zirconium infrastructure? What are the disadvantages and advantages of zirconium dental veneer ?

Zirconium Crown Turkey İstanbul
Zirconium Crown Turkey İstanbul
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